Auto Repair & Dealers
We know the repair & dealer operations can range from a home-based business to multiple locations. We have the companies that fit the Used Auto & Repair to the new car dealers. We can offer you coverage for Auto Repair & Sales, Dealers Open Lot, Garagekeepers, Workers Compensation, Equipment and many other options that can help protect your business.
Our companies are set up to offer you a policy to cover your business under one policy. This can include Repair & Dealer Liability, Damage to Owned Autos, Garagekeepers, Errors and Omissions & Property coverages.
We have access to several companies that offer protection for your employees. As your business grows, this coverage becomes more important to consider and having options to choose from will become just as important.
We can offer many types of bonds required for Dealers to operate.
Personalized Service Wording
Just as no 2 people are exactly the same, our agency reviews each account based on your unique business setup. Our approach is to understand what unique needs you have and find the best company to help reduce your cost with the best coverage.
What Our Clients Say